Tag Archives: pagan classics

Why Should Christians Read the Pagan Classics? – Reason 3: Science

Why should christians read the pagan classics?

Reason #3: Science In the last two issues of the Classical Teacher, I gave several reasons why Christians should read the pagans. I talked about their contributions to architecture and discussed what they knew about virtue from the natural world which God created. These were some of the more obvious reasons. But there is another […]

Why Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics – Reason 1: Architecture

Why should christians read the pagan classics?

Reason #1: Architecture The power of the word classic cannot be underestimated, communicating as it does the idea of excellence, truth, order, discipline, and beauty. The word “classic” brings to mind something that has withstood the test of time, and by virtue of this fact, participates in some way in the timeless and the eternal. And […]

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