Christianity & Classical Culture As the Basis for American Civilization

Christianity and culture

“We are dwarfs mounted upon the shoulders of giants,” Bernard of Chartres told his scholars in the eleventh century. The great Schoolman meant that we modern folk incline toward the opinion that wisdom was born with our generation. We see so far only because of the tremendous stature of those giants, our ancestors, upon whose […]

Planting the Seed for a Life-Long Engagement with Art

engagement with art

We live in an era highly focused on the visual. Our lives are shaped by digital images blasted from cell phones, tablets, and massive billboards that obliterate the night sky with their intense light. Yet, despite this visual stimulus, we travel farther each day from meaningful encounters with the important human expression called “art.” What […]

Letter from the Editor: Summer 2017

letter from the editor

Most people think topsoil is just dirt. But it is far more than that. When people lived closer to the land, they knew this, but now farming is mechanized and we have an industrialized food system. To most people, this all seems just fine. Food is easy to get—and cheap. What else matters? What few […]

A Defense of Penmanship

A Defense of Penmanship

In a world dominated by science and technology, the value of legible cursive penmanship must be defended. Why indeed spend time on developing a beautiful cursive hand today? Training in Accuracy and Discipline Penmanship, both manuscript and cursive, is an important part of education. Neat, legible penmanship is an important factor in the development of […]

Lifelong Burden … or Blessing

Simply Classical

This morning my son and I discussed literature. Specifically, we noted a good author’s ability to challenge and strengthen the mind and character in ways mere escapist entertainment never can. Michael wants to protect his mind, because he fears the long-term prognosis of some of his conditions. He does not want to lose the ability […]

Cursive Penmanship: A 21st-Century Skill

cursive penmanship

Jake Weidmann is a professional artist and certified Master Penman living in Denver, Colorado. He received his Master Penman certificate through The International Association of Master Penmen, Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting (IAMPETH) in July of 2011. He works across numerous mediums in art and calligraphy, and he is most well known for his use […]

The Condemned Teacher

the condemned teacher

Socrates lived in Athens 2,500 years ago and he died being faithful to what he taught. Perhaps that is why educators through the ages have looked to him for inspiration and as a model. But his attitude toward teaching has been transformed into a “method” and the ideal technique in the neo-classical movement. But what […]

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