Simply Classical Complete Curriculum Sets
Simply Classical Subjects
How to get started
Take a Readiness Assessment
Readiness assessments are placements tests designed to help you place your student in the Simply Classical Curriculum sequence. These tests evaluate development based on a range of categories from language and cognition to fine-motor skills and more.
When testing by Category (i.e. Language or Arithmetic): If your student scores “Yes” and “Emerging” for approximately 80% of the total items in a single category, he is ready for that level.
When testing by Level (i.e. Level 4): If your student scores “Yes” or “Emerging” for approximately 80% in all categories for that level, you may teach the entire level for that child.
NOTE: The category of reading is one exception to these rules, from Level 1 through Levels 11-12. If the main question scores, “No,” teach the prior level in reading. For example: “Knows most uppercase/lowercase letters.” “No.” Move to the prior level to solidify these letters.
Download and/or print the Readiness Level Assessment(s) below. This will help you identify your child’s current skill level.
Not Yet Reading:
Level A Readiness Assessment
Level B Readiness Assessment
Level C Readiness Assessment
Learning to Read:
Level 1 Readiness Assessment
Level 2 Readiness Assessment
Level 3 Readiness Assessment
Reading Chapter Books:
Level 4 Readiness Assessment
Levels 5-6 Readiness Assessment
Levels 7-8 Readiness Assessment
Levels 9-10 Readiness Assessment
Levels 11-12 Readiness Assessment

Customize Your Curriculum
Once you have taken a readiness assessment and have determined your student’s skill level, simply select the curriculum package corresponding to that level. All levels are fully customizable so you can move up in a stronger subject area or down in a subject area when necessary.

Dive in to Simply Classical
Subscribe to the Simply Classical Journal, a publication from Memoria Press that includes articles on the joys and challenges of special education as well as classical curriculum for struggling learners.
Read Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child by Cheryl Swope. The book offers an accessible description of classical education and its implementation with students with significant learning challenges.
Connect with other parents on the Simply Classical forum. Our free online forum for all things Simply Classical allows anyone in the MP community to ask or answer questions, seek advice, and offer encouragement.

Have Further Questions?
Send us an email at or give us a call at (502) 966-9115 to talk to one of our expert customer service representatives. We are more than happy to assist you on your Simply Classical journey.