Fourth Grade Curriculum Set

Original price was: $609.52.Current price is: $439.88.

Fourth Grade Curriculum Manual Sample

We have structured our standard program to allow 3rd-4th graders to work at a moderated pace, taking two years to complete D’Aulaires’ Greek MythsLatina ChristianaChristian Studies I, and States & Capitals. The 4th grade completes these books where 3rd grade leaves off.

To complete the Read-Aloud portion of the curriculum, you will need the weekly read-alouds. These can be purchased in a set from Memoria Press or gathered at the library, or you may already own many of these classic books.

The Fourth Grade Scope & Sequence resource explains what content is covered and which skills are acquired in this grade level.

The purchase of this package assumes that you have the books that are in our 3rd grade package and have completed the first half of them. Those who are transitioning to the Memoria Press Classical Core Curriculum in the Fourth Grade will need to complete the Fourth Grade for New Users Curriculum instead of our standard track.

Suggested Summer Reading (before 5th grade): The Story of the World, Vol. 1



Fourth Grade Curriculum Set
Original price was: $609.52.Current price is: $439.88. Add to cart
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