Latina Christiana Complete Set (with Streaming)

Grades 3-6

From: Original price was: $123.95.Current price is: $106.60.

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Student Book Sample
Teacher Manual Sample
Video Track List

Latina Christiana was designed as a beginning course for students interested in learning Latin and was specifically written for the teacher with no background in Latin. This set includes everything you need to start your Latin journey! Latina Christiana is, quite simply, the best Latin grammar course available for younger beginning students.

This set includes a lifetime membership which enables access to streaming instructional videos for Latina Christiana.

DVDs iconYou can also purchase the Latina Christiana Complete Set (with DVDs) instead of the set with Streaming Videos.

Take this course with a master teacher in a live online class.

WTM Recommendation - Latina Christiana

Latin Curriculum
Latina Christiana Complete Set (with Streaming)
From: Original price was: $123.95.Current price is: $106.60. Add to cart
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