Product Description
Henle Latin First Year teaches Latin the traditional way. We recommend these three sets—Text Set, Units I-V Guides and Instructional Videos Set, Units VI-XIV Guides and Instructional Videos Set—for those beginning Latin studies in ninth grade, who wish to read and translate Latin literature by the end of the Rhetoric Stage.
Originally published in 1945, the Henle Series is what Latin books look like before school texts were dumbed down. The Grammar Manual collects all grammar and syntax into a 250-page resource. This is a handy reference that accompanies all four years of Henle. The text only features 500 new words and allows students to master grammar without a large vocabulary overwhelming them. The key unlocks whatever may be difficult and reassure that any interpretations are those which the author himself would accept.
Our Memoria Press Teacher Manuals include lessons for the teacher, explanations and practice for the student, and an answer key. The Quizzes & Tests help you measure your mastery along the way. The Instructional Videos are led by master teacher Jon Christianson, who leads students in short recitations, explores new vocabulary and grammar, and models the week’s exercises and translation assignments. Good luck on your journey to the summit of Latin grammar! Learn more about our available Latin programs here.