Product Description
Memoria Pre-Algebra Instructional Videos (Streaming)
The content of Memoria Pre-Algebra is a significant conceptual leap from what students have studied in arithmetic. Ensure that this first year of algebra instruction lays a strong and proper foundation by matching the rigor of the material with rigor in memorization of important terms and recitation, exercise completion and correction, and completion of the Quizzes & Tests. This course is the necessary prerequisite for Memoria Algebra I.
The Memoria Pre-Algebra Set includes the Student Text, Teacher Manual, Solutions Key, Quizzes & Tests, and streaming Instructional Videos. The Student Text provides problem banks with which students can work toward mastery, clear statements of lesson objectives, introduction and review of important terms, and detailed consideration of example problems. The Teacher Manual serves as the primary instructional resource and includes an answer key for all lesson exercises. The Quizzes & Tests evaluate student progress. The Solutions Key contains complete, detailed solutions for every exercise to ensure comprehension. The streaming Instructional Videos serve as a supplement to the written curriculum, with the lesson notes in the Teacher Manual matching the videos closely.
The transition from arithmetic to algebra is a challenging one, so determining student readiness is key. Your student should have mastered arithmetic facts—including operations with fractions, decimals, and percentages—in order to be ready to succeed in this course. If there is any doubt, a Readiness Exam is included that you can administer and grade. Algebra represents a move away from mere fact retention and toward logical reasoning. Different students will be ready for that transition at different times. Your goal should be to ensure student readiness in the interest of all involved.