My Thankfulness Journal: Intermediate


My Thankfulness Journal: Intermediate Sample

My Thankfulness Journals offer practice with writing skills and gratitude.

As the student recalls the pleasant details of the day, he receives clear guidance for sharing his thoughts in prayer to the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

For intermediate writers (chronological age 9-12, or comparable skill level)

  • Provides a more advanced, smaller-size font.
  • Fades dotted-line prompting as exercises progress.
  • Supplies the child with a correct form for letter writing (greeting, indentation for body, closing) in every lesson.
  • Provides the opportunity to write in paragraph form.
  • Begins each entry, “Dear Heavenly Father,” and closes, “Your child,” with space for the signature.
My Thankfulness Journal: Imtermediate
My Thankfulness Journal: Intermediate
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