Novare Physical Science Set

Grades 8+


Physical Science Sample

Novare Science and Math is committed to a mastery-learning paradigm. Aesthetically mature graphics, accurate explanations, and thorough treatment of the foundational principles of the physical sciences characterize this course from start to finish. The Digital Resources includes course overview, quizzes, teacher keys, weekly review guides, experiment manual, suggested answers to verbal questions, annual schedule, and more! Designed for students in grades 8-10.

Note: Because we complete this course in Eighth Grade we have not required any of the experiments, but have listed them as optional so that you can add them as interest and time permit. Students interested in earning 1 high-school credit for this course should complete the 12 experiments assigned in Physical Science. In this case, The Student Lab Report Handbook is recommended and can be found on this page.

Take this course with a master teacher in a live online class.

♦ This course is NOT written from a young earth perspective. ♦

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