Product Description
NOTE: Two of the books in the Introduction to Lingua Angelica Set (Introduction to Lingua Angelica Student Workbook and Introduction to Lingua Angelica Teacher Key) are currently preorders. We will send your order to you as soon as it becomes available.
Introduction to Lingua Angelica Set serves as a gentle introduction to Latin translation. It’s also a tool that aids memorizing many Latin songs and prayers that can be used throughout Latin studies. Because these Latin songs and prayers use more advanced Latin than the beginning Latin student is prepared to translate fully, these worksheets provide a simplified word-for-word translation that doesn’t require students to parse.
The Student Workbook contains both Translation Worksheets in Part I (for beginning Latin students) and also Memorization Worksheets in Part II (for students who have a little Latin knowledge but are still not ready for a translation course). The Introduction to Lingua Angelica Teacher Key contains all the answers to exercises in the Student Workbook. The Audio contains 4 Latin prayers and 24 Latin hymns, beautifully sung by a six-voice a capella choir. The Song Book features musical scores and short histories for each piece.
Learn more about all of our Latin supplements on our Latin page. Here you can also find both Lingua Angelica I and Lingua Angelica II. Both of these courses, alongside Introduction to Lingua Angelica, use the same Song Book and Audio. All of our award-winning Latin programs are designed to teach your student to master the Latin grammar. We utilize use, step-by-step process that brings out the logical and systematic nature of the mother tongue of Western civilization.