Kindergarten Curriculum Set


Is your child ready for Kindergarten?
Kindergarten Curriculum Manual Sample

Based on years of research, Memoria Press is pleased to offer the second year of our planned Junior K-12 classical curriculum. Now your child can have a Highlands Latin education at home using the very same materials our teachers use in our highly acclaimed Kindergarten program. By following the daily lesson plans in our full-year Curriculum Guide, you will have every tool you need to give your child the very best education possible.

To complete the Literature & Enrichment portion of the curriculum, you will need the weekly read-alouds. These can be purchased in a set from Memoria Press or gathered at the library, or you may already own many of these classic books.

The Kindergarten Scope & Sequence resource explains what content is covered and which skills are acquired in this grade level.

*The Kindergarten Recitation Lesson Plans are included in the Kindergarten Curriculum Lesson Plans, or it can be purchased separately.

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