Christian Studies Flashcards



Old Testament Flashcards (2.5″ x 3.5″): Help your student become versed in the central facts of the Old Testament. These cards can be used with our Christian Studies courses, independently, or with other Bible courses. What creature was the “most cunning of beasts”? What is Latin for “the image of God”? What is the name for the “feast celebrating Exodus”? There’s no better way to know your Bible.

New Testament Flashcards (2.5″ x 3.5″): Like the Old Testament Flashcards, these New Testament Flashcards will assure that your student is Biblically literate. Who was the “highest prophet of the Lord”? What is “the Messianic title Jesus gave for himself”? What road is called the “Via Dolorosa”? Knowing these facts not only inculcates the great truths of Scripture, but will enable your child to better read great literature.

Memory Verse Flashcards (4.25″ x 5.5″): The first step in understanding the Bible is simply knowing what it says. These Memory Verse Flashcards will ground your students in the key verses of the Bible in a way that will not only enable them to learn Biblical teachings, but that will form their minds as they become adults. Memory is a skill that must be developed and how can you develop it better than by using the bible?

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