Why Should Christians Read the Pagan Classics? – Reason 2: Virtue

Why should christians read the pagan classics?

Reason #2: Virtue In the last article, we learned that the Greeks established the first principles of architecture by studying nature. The proportions that are most pleasing to the human eye are those of nature’s greatest work of art—the human body.  We learned that God gave man reason and the desire to know, but he […]

The Difference Between Books About Logic & Logic Books


If you wanted to learn to be a mathematician, you wouldn’t want to just read about mathematics; you would want to actually do math. If you wanted to learn how to write, you wouldn’t settle for just reading about writing; you would want instruction that involved actually writing yourself. The same thing goes for music […]

How to Teach Virtue


Why Telling Stories to Our Children is the Best Kind of Character Education … In After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntyre observes that in all classical and heroic societies, “the chief means of moral education is the telling of stories.” In a real sense the heroes of the Iliad and the Odyssey were the moral tutors of […]

What Is Virtue?


The harder the reformers try, the worse they make the American school. They just can’t seem to get it right. Their errors are so fundamental that only a complete rebooting will help. Conventional education is based on three principles and one application. 1. There is no Truth. 2. If there is Truth, you can’t know […]

7 Habits of Highly Educated People


Most critics of American education today have a good grasp of one part of the problem: our children don’t have enough knowledge. They cite poor test scores and the general lack of awareness of important events in history as proof of this. And they are right. But although this analysis is correct, it is not […]

The Natural Method is Not Natural


Modern languages are taught by the conversational method. If I understand this method correctly, it involves an emphasis on oral and written conversation in the classroom, supplemented with a secondary focus on grammar. Ideally this conversational instruction is augmented by travel and an immersion experience with native speakers. It could also be called the natural […]

What is Liberal Education?


The liberal arts are traditionally intended to develop the faculties of the human mind, those powers of intelligence and imagination without which no intellectual work can be accomplished. Liberal education is not tied to certain academic subjects, such as philosophy, history, literature, music, art, and other so-called “humanities.” In the liberal-arts tradition, scientific disciplines, such […]

Letter from the Editor: Summer 2012

I have never been a fan of so-called “success” books. You know the kind I mean: They have titles like The Road to Riches, The Eleven Laws of Leadership, Seven Secret Strategies for Success. The titles promise to reveal some secret to you, the knowledge of which could change the course of your life. The titles above are made up, […]

National Latin Exam Awards

The National Latin Exam, sponsored by the American Classical League and National Junior Classical League, is an international competition for middle and high school Latin students. Each exam consists of forty multiple choice questions over Latin grammar, vocabulary, translation, English derivatives, and the history, geography, and culture of Greece and Rome. There is an Intro. Exam for middle school students and Exams I-IV that generally correspond […]

Why Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics – Reason 1: Architecture

Why should christians read the pagan classics?

Reason #1: Architecture The power of the word classic cannot be underestimated, communicating as it does the idea of excellence, truth, order, discipline, and beauty. The word “classic” brings to mind something that has withstood the test of time, and by virtue of this fact, participates in some way in the timeless and the eternal. And […]

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