About Our Founder Cheryl Lowe
Cheryl was the author of the popular Latin programs Latina Christiana, Lingua Angelica, and the Latin Forms Series, as well as The Greek Alphabet, Classical Phonics, First Start Reading, English Grammar Recitation, and other programs. She and her husband, Jim, were married for forty years and have two sons. Cheryl discovered Latin when she homeschooled her sons and was the self-styled apostle of Latin, claiming that Latin has more educational value than any other subject you can teach your children. Cheryl graduated from the University of Louisville with a degree in chemistry and from Western Kentucky University with an M.S. in biology. Cheryl had wide teaching experience, in both content and venue, teaching everything from phonics, reading, math, Bible, and chemistry to Shakespeare and Latin, and teaching in public and private schools, as well as homeschooling. Cheryl and her son Brian founded Memoria Press in 1994, and in 2000, the highly successful Highlands Latin School, where the Memoria Press products are taught and field-tested. Cheryl spent many years overseeing the development of the Memoria Press Classical Core Curriculum for home, Christian, and cottage schools, and her memory and example continue to daily inform the mission and vision of Memoria Press.
A Tribute to Mrs. Lowe
In June of 2017 our founder Mrs. Cheryl Lowe passed away, but her memory and mission live on daily with Memoria Press and Highlands Latin School. Please enjoy this tribute to Mrs. Lowe.
Cheryl Lowe was one of the “Most Admired Women” of 2014 …
Cheryl Lowe was voted the “Most Admired Woman” in the education category of Today’s Woman magazine and was featured in the June 2014 issue. Mrs. Lowe made Memoria Press into one of the most recognized names in Christian education. And not only that, but as Headmistress of Highlands Latin School, she led the school into a position of national prominence, outperforming well-established, nationally recognized schools in the Jefferson County School District, and becoming a model for schools across the country.
Highlands Latin School, the home of the Classical Core Curriculum, is ranked in the top 1% of schools in the nation on the ITBS Standardized Test for K-8, and consistently scores among the top schools in the state on the SAT and ACT college admissions tests. Highlands students scored an average of 3.1 grades above their grade level.